PNG to JPG Converter

Free online PNG to JPG images conversion

Your data is protected
under GDPR and will be securely deleted after 24 hours.

How to Convert PNG to JPG?

  • Click the “Choose Files” button to select a PNG file
  • Click on the “Convert to JPG” button to start the conversion
  • The resulting JPG file be instantly downloaded

Easy to Use

Just upload any PNG file and click the convert to JPG button. In future we will provide batch converttion of PNG to JPG format.

Best Quality

We maintain image highest quality while performing PNG to JPG conversion.

Free & Secure

Our PNG to JPG converter service is free of cost and compatible to any browser. Moreover, your files are processed over a secure HTTPS connection and is deleted both automatically and manually as well. We strictly maintain users file security and privacy by following GDPR regulations.

PNG to JPG Converter – Fast, Free, and Reliable

Convert your PNG images to JPG for free with our easy-to-use tool, without any sign-up or email required. Get high-quality conversions instantly, with no file size limits. Simply upload your image and convert it to JPG with a few clicks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are PNG files larger than JPG files? +
PNG uses lossless compression to retain all image details, which results in larger file sizes compared to JPG's lossy compression, which reduces image quality to achieve smaller file sizes.
Which format is better for printing? +
JPG is usually better for printing photographs due to its ability to compress large image files, while PNG is better for graphics or designs with high detail and text clarity.
Are PNG or JPG files better for logos? +
PNG is better for logos because it supports transparency and maintains sharp edges, which are crucial for branding and web use.
Do PNG and JPG files support animations? +
No, neither PNG nor JPG formats support animations. For animated images, formats like GIF or APNG (Animated PNG) are better suited.
How do PNG and JPG handle colors differently? +
PNG supports a broader color palette, including 24-bit RGB and transparency layers, making it ideal for detailed graphics. JPG compresses colors using lossy compression, which can sometimes lead to slight color shifts or artifacts.